Anatomija živaca na licu

Common causes of facial paralysis

Facial nerve palsy can follow various pathological events, after which the function (facial expressions) is impaired.

It is characteristic of a normal and healthy face that the muscles on both sides of the face act in a coordinated manner so that the tone and balance of external characteristics are as natural as possible. Consequently, when paralysis occurs on one side of the face, the normal side is often affected.

Damage to certain nerves in these cases can lead to loss of eye tone or a fall in the corner of the mouth on that side. This condition is already visible at rest. In some cases, certain types of movement are disabled, such as closing the eye.

Some of the most common causes are:

  • facial trauma
  • a consequence of Bell’s (idiopathic) palsy
  • damage after ear and skull base surgeries, etc.

Paraliza Facijalnog Zivca Lijeva Strana

Specialized techniques plastic surgery of the head and neck can improve some types of facial nerve and facial paralysis. This helps to improve the appearance and function of important segments of the face.

Possibilities of correction

In order to improve the resulting deformation and prevent further deterioration, various techniques and materials help to improve the resulting defect.

We use Connective tissue (fascia) or muscle tissue for this purpose.

Rekonstrukcija Facijalnog Zivca I Lica
Facial nerve and face reconstruction scheme shows transfer of masseter muscle and/or fascia.

We also carefully tailor special implants are tailored to the individual patient. They help to fill depressions caused by facial atrophy of facial muscles.

A surgeon can implant small thin plate made of gold or titanium in the upper eyelid to ensure normal eye closing function. We perform this operation separately under local anesthesia.

Ugradnja Zlatne Plocice U Gornju Vjedju
Surgical placement of a gold plate in the paralyzed upper eyelid.

Also, we can correct facial nerve palsy with special techniques to improve the appearance and function of the lips and face.

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