Liposuction - Lipoplasty



Disproportionate contours of individual body parts can occur due to localized fat deposits. Then, despite satisfactory general health and a reasonable level of physical activity, it is not possible to act to eliminate the described changes. These changes may be the result from a family predisposition to certain metabolic disorders (unlike the most common reasons – overweight and physical inactivity).

Liposuction techniques help reduce localized fat deposits in different regions of the body. Most common, focus is on thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, chest, knees, cheeks, chin and neck. In some cases, liposuction is performed as a separate procedure. Sometimes we do it as an additional procedure (with a facelift or breast reduction).


The most suitable candidates are adults who are within 30% of the ideal weight. Additionally, they have firm elastic skin and good muscle tone, without any serious illness, non-smokers. However, even the correct selection of candidates cannot be more important than carefully following the instructions of your surgeon.


Careful assessment of your overall health is necessary.  Therefore the aim is recognizing and reducing potential risks. It is important to know about allergies, the use of medicines, vitamins, herbal preparations, alcohol, cigarettes, as well as experience with previous operations.

We often advise to stop taking preparations such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal preparations. They can all increase the risk of bleeding during or after surgery.

Your surgeon may request a general medical examination, various laboratory tests. He can also ask you to start taking certain medications or correct your regular therapy (if any). It is advisable to stop smoking for some time before surgery.


The intended type of anesthesia for liposuction is intravenous sedation and general anesthesia, as recommended by your surgeon and anesthesiologist. We perform liposuction through small barely visible incisions in the skin. Initially, surgeon applies a solution of fluid through the openings to reduce trauma and bleeding. After that, a hollow tube (cannula) is introduced. With controlled movements the cannula softens the fat deposits in the treated region. Consequently, the “broken” fat is suctioned out with the help of a pump.

The most commonly treated area on the face is the chin. This part of the face and neck below the lower jaw is subject to submental liposuction. Incisions are most often located below the chin and behind the earlobe. After we remove the fat, the skin shrinks (contracts) within the limits of the new contours.

After liposuction of the abdomen, chin, and other regions, the removed fat cells do not return. The remaining cells may increase, depending on the patient’s lifestyle. At the end of the operation, surgen places a compression elastic bandage. This measure ensures control of swelling and compresses the skin to maintain the resulting contour. There is a possibility of placing small drains to remove any excess tissue fluid.

It should be noted that sometimes patient needs an additional procedure to remove the newly formed “excess” skin.

Along with facial liposuction, it is possible to simultaneously correct some other detail on the face. Eyelid correction is performed relatively often.

Kanile Za Liposukciju I Lipotransfer
Choice of liposuction and lipostransfer cannulas.


The final result comes after all swellings disappear. After the procedure, we recommend to maintain a healthy lifestyle (especially diet and nutrition) because only in this way there is a good chance that the result will be satisfactory for a long time.

Although not as common, the risks of liposuction exist and should certainly be mentioned.

These include risks of uneven contours and symmetry, sagging skin, skin or nerve injuries, uneven pigmentation, inflammation, fat clots, fluid loss or accumulation, unsatisfactory scarring, risks of anesthesia, hematoma (blood clot) and changes in skin sensation, asymmetry, prolonged postoperative pain, damage to adjacent organs in the vicinity of the treated region, poor wound healing, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac or pulmonary complications, and the possibility of revision (reoperation).

Tumescentna Liposukcija Podbratka Prije I Poslije
Tumescent liposuction of the submental/chin region with microcannulas, before and after


At the end of the operation, you will be acquainted in detail with the postoperative instructions (medication, dressings, removal of sutures, return to normal daily rhythm). It is very important that you do not expose the operated area to excessive stretching (but also squeezing, e.g. with a belt), blow or move too much during the intended healing time. It should be noted that sometimes it takes several months for all the swelling to disappear completely.

Medical and surgical practice is not an exact science. Although we take all practical measures and knowledge to ensure good results, there can be no guarantee of such a thing. In some situations, it is not possible to achieve the optimal result with one procedure, but some additional surgery is necessary.