Before and after your operation ...


Preparation for surgery, as well as planning the postoperative regime is desirable to start early enough before the operation. Timely information can greatly facilitate preparation for surgery, both physically and emotionally. Good preparation significantly contributes to a better overall result of the operation.

After the operation, the patient often has a feeling of anxiety, discomfort and even depression. This is quite expected due to multiple uncertainties. The final result of the operation is not yet clearly visible, there are swellings and hematomas and a feeling of exhaustion due to the operation and anesthesia.

Here are some tips to help you recover from these ailments faster and easier:

Before surgery, store a few favorite, high-calorie meals in the refrigerator. This way you will be spared from preparing meals, and the calories and energy gained will be enough for you.

Try to gather as much information as possible about the postoperative diet. For example, if surgery is planned in the area of the jaw, chin or cheek, it is desirable that the meals after the operation be as less demanding in terms of chewing (yogurt, juices, pudding, soup, pasta…).

Organize a thorough cleaning of your home before the expected date of surgery. This will certainly help reduce exposure to house dust and other potentially infectious materials, and also save you unnecessary work immediately after surgery.

If you are taking any medications, pick up prescriptions from your doctor and stock up on sufficient supplies.

Organize support from family and/or friends. After the surgery, you will need someone to take you home and be on hand for the first few postoperative days.

Plan your wardrobe for the day of surgery and about a week after it. It is advisable to choose soft and comfortable, wide enough clothes that can be unbuttoned at the front, so that you do not have to wear anything over your head.


Preparation for surgery begins with practical things. Think about your diet – before and after surgery. Quality and proper nutrition is an important segment in the preparation of your surgery.

Everything you take into your body affects your appearance, both the skin itself and deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, cartilage and muscles. In addition to the intake of important substances and energy for a healthy life, a good balance helps you to activate and stimulate the healing mechanisms, thus accelerating your return to the daily active rhythm of life.

All of the above is a good reason to start thinking about a diet regimen before undergoing surgery. Proper eating habits help you maintain your new and fresh look for as long as possible. Generally speaking, a healthy diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, such as wholemeal bread, cereals, and pasta (especially whole grains). This certainly includes quality meat (eg low-fat poultry meat) or its protein substitute.

If you have decided to lose weight, try to achieve this at a slow pace, reducing the caloric value of intake and increasing daily physical activity.

Vegetarians need to be especially careful to ingest sufficient levels of amino acids essential for wound healing.

A good and balanced diet ensures the intake of sufficient supplies of nutrients that promote optimal healing. For example Vitamin C is a necessary ingredient for the formation of collagen, the connective fibers found in the subcutaneous tissue. Vitamin K accelerates blood clotting. If your diet is not ideal, talk about it with your doctor or, better yet, one of the nutritionists.


Specifically, you should inform your operator about all medications and preparations you are consuming, long enough before the operation. Some dietary supplements such as vitamin E and selenium can affect blood clotting and potentially increase bleeding. Some over-the-counter medications, including analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but also other supplements can have unwanted side effects. Your operator may advise you to stop such therapy before surgery.


If you are seriously considering surgery, you should definitely talk openly about your smoking habit.

As already proven, smoking can affect the blood vessels that supply the skin and thus slow down the expected healing time as well as increase the risk of bleeding and other complications. Although smoking is not a reason for your surgery not to be performed safely, your operator should be aware of all the facts that could affect the outcome of the surgery.

In some cases, possible problems can be avoided by minor modification of the operation (e.g., the length and location of the surgical incision may be adapted, or it is recommended to take some specific medications). But your operator is more likely to recommend quitting smoking a few weeks before surgery. This vital detail can contribute to the best possible surgical outcome and speed up the healing time. You may, after all, be prompted to reduce smoking or get rid of that habit altogether.

Finally, smoking cessation is one of the most effective steps you can take to slow down the aging process and maintain healthy and beautiful skin! Smoking has been shown to contribute to the formation of wrinkles on the face, especially around the mouth. Smoking cessation will significantly contribute to delaying the formation of new wrinkles.


After surgery, when the swelling is gone and you feel good, it’s time to find out how to get back into your daily routine. Before you jump into everyday life, ask yourself how your activities affect the healing process.

Plan a easier “pace” for at least two weeks after surgery.

Take care to protect the operated area and take enough time to rest. Eat foods that don’t require too much chewing and avoid overly demanding communication that involves excessive emotional engagement.

Raise the headboard on the bed for the first two weeks after surgery. Be careful that your partner in bed does not accidentally injure you with an uncontrolled rough touch during sleep. Beware of sudden changes in body position, leaning, playing with small children and lifting heavy loads. All of these activities can affect the worsening of swelling or bleeding.


No matter how good you feel, don’t rush into returning to your regular workouts or fitness workouts too soon after surgery.

Hard exercise and other strenuous physical exertion raise blood pressure and can affect the formation of swelling or prolong healing. In contrast, moderate exercise is certainly desirable. Such activity contributes to good psychological stability, enhances blood circulation and accelerates the healing process.

By the end of this period, start stretching exercises for the first few weeks after the wound has healed. Avoid working and exercising on the ground or head positions that are below waist level as these are all conditions that raise blood pressure in the area of your surgery. And most importantly – avoid all kinds of activities that can lead to unintentional hitting in the head. Swimming is recommended approximately 4 weeks after surgery.

Before starting intense exercise, inform your doctor, and intensify each activity gradually, after the healing is complete.


In short, the type of procedure you had will determine the type of cosmetics you can apply.