However, it should be borne in mind that the stated aesthetic principles can only serve as a rough guide. Real beauty comes from within and the task of plastic surgery is to emphasize unique features.
Assess the harmony of your face
If you are thinking about plastic surgery, it is good to remember that beauty is something more than the appearance that is noticeable on the surface.
The way you look is largely determined by the contour and dimensions of the bone structures above which all facial tissues are located.
Although beauty standards were previously thought to be largely culturologically determined, recent research shows that our view of what is beautiful is generally constant regardless of race, nationality, or age. Preferences for a particular type of appearance may be different between cultures, but the proportions of facial attractiveness are the same for different ethnic groups.

There are three aesthetic principles you can use to assess your face before coming to a consultation.
- Rule of thirds. Good facial proportions can be estimated based on regular equal thirds by drawing horizontal lines through the forehead at the edge of the scalp, eyebrows, lower edge of the nose and the edge of the chin.
- Rule of the fifths. The proportional face can be divided by vertical lines into five equal parts, each part of which is approximately the width of one eye. Facial proportions should be roughly within these parameters.
- Mutual symmetry. An attractive face shows a high degree of similarity of one in relation to the other, though not entirely. A significant number of people show varying degrees of facial asymmetry.